Friday, December 28, 2007

PS3 v.s. Wii (and apology)

Im sorry to all the people who are annoyed that I havent posted in awhile, but I am a 12-year old kid with a life that is probably busier than most non-working adults (seriously).

Anyway, my post......

For christmas this year, we got a PS3, (PlayStation 3 for the adults (but hopefully not kids....) who have no clue what a PS3 is) and it has many ups, and a few downs. Another thing we were considering was a Wii, which also has ups and downs, I will show you a comparison.

PS3 Ups:
Plays DVD's and Blu-Ray Disks
Has extremely good graphics
has interactive opening screen and options
has wireless controllers
has backwards compatibilty with PS1 games
can use internet

PS3 Downs:
gamplay is not interactive
only has backwards compatibility with some PS2 games
costs $600

Wii Ups:
Has good graphics (not nearly as good as PS3 though)
Has very fun games
Has Interactive opening screen and options
Has interactive gameplay
Only costs $250
Has Mii's
Has backwards compatibility with GameCube games

Wii Downs:
cant go on internet
cant play DVD's or Blu-Ray Disks
games are sometimes very hard to play because of Wii Remote

So, as you can see, PS3 has 6 ups and 3 down, and Wii has 7 ups (lol) and 4 downs
Which is better? you decide.